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Learn Chinese in Chengdu with Chinese Classes in China and make the fastest possible progression with your Mandarin.

Learning Chinese 1-on-1 is the fastest way to learn Chinese and with our expert, fully qualified teachers, we will get your Chinese ability sky-rocketing quicker than you ever believed.

Individual programs are tailored for each individual. Therefore if you want to learn about business Chinese, that’s what you’ll learn.

If you want to learn how to read Chinese, that’s what you’ll learn. You tell us, we create the program.

Before you arrive we will chat to you over Whatsapp/Skype to get an idea of your current Chinese level and your overall goals for some to Chengdu to study Chinese.

  • Learn Chinese in Chengdu
  • Top class teachers
  • Classes tailored to your needs
  • Make the quickest progression
  • Pre Chinese course assessment
  • Flexible lessons
  • Make friends at LTL School

This allows us to create the perfect program to get you on the path to success when you come to learn Chinese in Chengdu.

Everyone Counts

Personalized – Every persons story matters to us
Experts – We know China better than anyone. Just ask us
Enjoy Yourself – LTL is your 2nd home. In class and out of it
24-7 Support – Our team are always here for yo

Become a Part of Us

The LTL Community – Everyone is here for everyone, 24/7
Social – We host student events and dinners every week
Friends – Meet people from all four corners of the planet

Our 1-on-1 Courses

Speed – Learning Chinese is best done individually
All About You – Everyone wants a unique program
Comprehensive – We cover what you want, fully
Flexible – Want to study a TV show or podcast? It’s your call

Tailored Courses Just For You

Discounts – The longer you join us for, the greater the discount
Top Teachers – All our teachers are experienced & fully qualified
Fine Tuned – We cover every detail to make sure you learn fast


We offer 3 different individual Chinese courses in Chengdu. They are:

  • Standard Individual Chinese Course :
    • This program provides you with 20 hours of Chinese lessons per week. This can be with one or two teachers, and will also depend on teacher availability. Lessons will be tailored around you. You decide what you want to learn and at what pace.
  • Intensive Individual Chinese Course :
    • This includes 30 hours of Mandarin a week which is broken down in 6 hours per day from Monday to Friday. Probably the quickest way to improve your Chinese language skills.
  • Small Group and Individual Chinese Course :
    • 30 hours of Chinese lessons per week is broken down into 20 hours of small group class and 10 hours individual. 4 hours of group classes per day and 2 hours individual.

No matter what program you choose you will become a tight part of the LTL Community. Sometimes individual students worry they won’t have the chance to meet friends. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Not only will you get your own Chinese tutor, but you’ll slot right into our community after and in between class – the best of both worlds!

You can start on any Monday you wish. Please get in touch with us and we can discuss a starting date subject to availability.

All LTL Chinese classes in Chengdu are 60 minutes long and not 50 or 55 minutes like at other schools and centres.

There are absolutely zero hidden charges and zero surcharges when studying with LTL Mandarin School.


Discover Chengdu

Discover Chengdu and immerse yourself fully into the Chinese language as you learn Mandarin at some of China’s most historic attractions.

Our outdoor study program allows you to pick up and practice your Mandarin language skills with locals on the move at some of Chengdu’s most famous hotspots.

This program is a 1-on-1 upgrade like the Safari.

To book this course, you must first choose a program that includes at least 20 hours a week of individual classes.

You can then upgrade after booking.

Please note – Students are responsible for any purchases made on the Safari

  • Suitable for all Chinese levels
  • 20 hours per week 1 on 1
  • Maximum of 2 weeks
ProgramNumber of WeeksPrice in CNY
Safari Upgrade1480
Safari Upgrade2864
Discover Upgrade1960
Discover Upgrade21,728

Chengdu Safari

Where better to learn Chinese than on the streets of Chengdu?

A Chengdu Safari lesson is split into 3 parts:

Warm up : Your Chinese teacher will explain what you aim to achieve in the upcoming lesson. This will include understanding any vocabulary and sentence structures needed.

The Safari : Go and explore the streets of Chengdu and put that Chinese into practice. Overall there are twenty different Safari scenarios to enjoy.

Cool Down : Any questions or problems? Everything will be reviewed in the cool down including any new vocabulary you may have picked up along the way.

NOTE – Our Chengdu Safari is a 1-on-1 course upgrade. To book this course, you must first choose a program that includes at least 10 hours a week of individual classes.

After this, you may then upgrade those hours of class to Safari. Students are responsible for any purchases.

  • Ideal for Chinese Beginners at level A1/A2
  • 10 hours a week of your 1 on 1 will upgraded to Safari
  • Two week’s maximum course length


How long can I join LTL for?

A minimum or one week and a maximum of one year.

Actually though, we’ve seen in the past, although the biggest booking you can make is one year, students often come back for 2nd, 3rd and 4th years.

We’ve even had students back for 5th years at LTL!

Chinese never stops!

Will I learn faster individually than in groups?

Yes it’s proven to be quicker.

The focus and attention is on you. Everything you hear from your teacher is directed towards you.

Groups are still a great way to learn but in terms of speed and fast progression, nothing beats learning with just the teacher and yourself.

Is six hours a day too much?

On the face of it 6 hours can sound a lot of time to study a new language but actually we find students, despite sometimes feeling tired, really enjoy their intensive courses.

Our lessons are planned to be fun and informative. You will also find with 6 hours per day your Chinese ability rockets pretty high, pretty quickly.

Can I also learn Chinese Online with LTL?

Yes you can, check out all our online Chinese courses here.

How long is a 1-on-1 lesson at LTL?

All lessons are 60 minutes long giving you the best value for money.

We do not cut our lessons short to 45, 50 or 55 minutes.

How many teachers will I have?

It will vary from student to student but anything between one and three teachers generally.

If you have any preference, of course we can try and cater for this also.

Group lessons look more fun, what should I do?

Although group students get to know their classmates our individual students don’t remain without friends!

Everyone meets everyone at LTL.

The LTL Social events are the real times to socialise and get to know each other.

Just remember your progress will be quicker learning individually and this is ultimately why you come to LTL. But you still get to make great friends in between class and at lunch time. You get the best of both worlds!

How do I sign up?

Great! You won’t regret it!

Drop us a message using the contact form, email address or live chat and we’ll get everything rolling for you

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